The Good Eye of Faith…

Among other things, the story of Joseph reveals how God’s hidden hand moves for good in our lives. Despite the terrible betrayal of the pit, the unjust suffering of the prison house, and the sorrow of losing his family, there was light, exaltation, and joy to come forth. God knows how to take our emptiness to yield “storehouses in Egypt…”  As Joseph later told his brothers, “you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Gen. 50:20).  Resist the temptation to judge by mere appearances. Forbid your sorrow to blind the eyes of faith.  Do not unjustly judge God’s purposes or try to understand His ways; accept that He works all things together (συνεργέω) for good — making even the very wrath of man to praise Him…

Faith “sees what is invisible” (2 Cor. 4:18) and understands (i.e., accepts) that the “present form of this world is passing away” for purposes that are good (1 Cor. 7:31). It affirms that underlying the surface appearance of life (chayei sha’ah) is a deeper reality (chayei olam) that is ultimately real, abiding, and ultimately designed for God’s redemptive love to be fully expressed. In this world we must “see through” a mirror (i.e., indirectly) to begin to see the dawn of our eternal home; but one day we will behold God panim el panim (פָּנִים אֶל־פָּנִים), “face to face” (1 Cor. 13:12). In the meantime, faith beholds the invisible light, the truth of God’s love that overcomes all the powers of darkness, hate, and fear…. “I believe. I believe in the sun even when it is not shining; I believe in love even when feeling it not; and I believe in God, even when God is silent” (from an anonymous poem found on the wall of a cellar in Cologne, Germany, where some Jews hid from the Nazis).

Faith in divine providence is the faith that nothing can prevent us from fulfilling the meaning of our existence. Providence does not mean a divine plan by which everything is predetermined, as in an efficient machine. Rather, providence means that there is a creative and saving possibility implied in every situation, which cannot be destroyed by any event. Providence means that the demonic and destructive forces within ourselves and our world can never have an unbreakable grasp upon us, and that the bind which connects us with the fulfilling love can never be disrupted.” – Paul Tillich


Hebrew Lesson
Psalm 31:5 Hebrew reading:



For more on this important topic, see “Joseph and the Good Eye.”