Seeking What is Above…

“If then you have been raised with Messiah, seek the things that are above, where the Messiah is seated at the right hand of God (לִימִין הָאֱלהִים); focus your thoughts on the things above – not on things here on earth – for you have died, and your life has been hidden with Messiah in God” (Col. 3:1-3). Note that the verb translated “you have died” (ἀπεθάνετε) indicates that your death is a spiritual reality you must accept by faith. You don’t “try to die” to the flesh, since that is the fool’s errand of man’s “religion.”  No, you trust that God has killed the power of sin and death on your behalf and imparted to you a new kind of life power (John 1:12; Eph 2:5).  Because you partake of an entirely greater dimension of reality, namely, the spiritual reality hidden from the vanity of this age, your life is likewise hidden from this world (Col. 3:4). Therefore we are instructed to consciously focus our thoughts (φρονέω) on the hidden reality of God rather than on the superficial and temporal world that is passing away: “For we are looking not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient (i.e., “just for a season,” καιρός), but the things that are unseen are eternal” (2 Cor. 4:18).

Just as you must trust and accept that Yeshua was crucified for you, identifying with you, taking your place in judgment, exchanging his life for your own, so you must trust and accept that you have been crucified with him, and that your old life was taken away and replaced with a new, indestructible nature of his resurrection life. In other words, a union is created where his “for me” is answered by my “with him.” Χριστῷ συνεσταύρωμαι– “I already have been crucified in Messiah” (Gal. 2:20). Indeed the two go together: to trust in the finished work of Messiah for you is to trust in his finished work within you… When he died on the cross for you, which sins didn’t he bear on your behalf? which remedy did he leave unfulfilled?


Hebrew Lesson: