Navigating Moral Reality…

The various moral rules of Torah (i.e., mishpatim: משׁפטים) may be likened to guideposts along the way, warning us about dangers up ahead. And just as a physical law like gravity describes material reality, so moral law describes spiritual reality. We can no more deny moral reality than we can deny physical reality, though the effect of violating moral truth is often not physical but spiritual – affecting our inner life, our conscience, our sense of value, our relationships, and so on. In either case, however, reality is self-correcting, and we shall deny its substance at our own peril…

Laws of any kind are generalizations, of course.  In science, for instance, we inductively sample phenomena and then universalize that experience as a law applicable in all similarly controlled conditions, until proven otherwise. In the case of moral reality, we may have revealed and intuitive awareness of value, but we still must wrestle to discover how to apply such truth to practical matters of our lives. For example, a moral rule is to always “speak truth,” but in some cases this rule can be “broken” for the sake of a more important truth. For instance, the law of truth-telling may be suspended if we were hiding Jews in our attic and the Nazis asked if we were doing so. Moral and social rules speak to our need for boundaries, for sacred space, safety, and provide means to show respect to one another. That’s the “spirit of the law” (רוח התורה) the deeper reason for its expression. The “role of the rule” is to promote and upbuild life; a righteous rule helps us discern how to limit and redirect our impulses to express godly character. We are therefore to “walk in them,” that is, to live in accord with them and to apply their principles in our daily lives. As is also written in our Scriptures: “You shall therefore keep my statutes and my rules; if a person does them, he shall live by them: I AM the LORD” (Lev. 18:5).


Hebrew Lesson: