Lekha – Faith and Trust….

Since our Torah portion this week (i.e., Shelach) tells the tragic story of how the Exodus generation lost their inheritance by believing the faithless report of the spies, I thought it would be helpful to review the nature of faith so that we might guard ourselves from stumbling in a similar way. After all, concerning the tragic decree of God regarding the fate of Israelites in the desert (see Num. 14:21-35), the New Testament admonishes us to “fear lest any of you should likewise fail to attain the blessing of God’s promise.”

In this short audio broadcast, I discuss what faith is and how we must learn to trust God for our inheritance:

Shelach Podcast – Faith and Courage

In our Torah portion this week (i.e., Shelach-Lekha) we read how the spies faithlessly judged that the people were not strong enough to take possession of the promised land. They said, “we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them” (Num. 13:33). Here the sages note the subtle – yet profound – connection between how we see ourselves and how we imagine that others see us. This sort of “projection” is common enough, and sometimes we even make the mistake of thinking that God sees us the way we feel about ourselves…. In this shorter broadcast, I hope to encourage you to keep faith in the LORD God of Israel’s love and blessing for you, even if the present hour may seem dark, confusing, or overwhelming…


Faith and Courage Podcast:

Parashat Shelach-Lekha Podcast…

Our Torah portion this week (Shelach-Lekha) is a “heavy one” since it focuses on the Sin of the Spies and the subsequent failure of the people to trust that God would care for them. The people’s lack of bittachon (trust) in God is the most serious sin recorded in all the Torah, even more serious than the sin of the Golden Calf. This is confirmed by the testimony of the New Testament, which presents the fate of the Exodus generation as the dire warning of apostasy for those who claim to follow the Messiah (Heb. 3:7-4:2).

In this audio discussion on the weekly Torah portion, I discuss issues of faith, courage, and finding meaning for your life in the will and love of God. Trusting in God’s personal love for you presupposes that you are worthy to be loved and that there is a divine inheritance reserved for you. This gives you real courage to go take possession of the divine promise as its rightful heir…


Shalach Audio Podcast:

Parashat Naso Podcast…

Our Torah portion for this week (i.e., parashat Naso) includes the famous blessing that Aaron and his sons (i.e., the priests) were instructed to recite over the people of Israel: “The LORD bless you and guard you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace” (Num. 6:24-26). The Hebrew text of the blessing begins with three words, is comprised of three parts, invokes the divine Name three times, and is therefore appropriately called “the three-in-one blessing” (שלוש בברכה אחת). Notice that the words are spoken in the grammatical singular rather than plural because they are meant to have personal application, not to be a general benediction over a crowd of people. The phrase, “The LORD lift up His face toward you…” (יִשָּׂא יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ) pictures the beaming face of a parent as he lifts up his beloved child in joy… The repetitive construction of God “lifting up His face” (יְהוָה פָּנָיו אֵלֶיך) suggests that God’s compassion now flows outward to the child in superabundant grace. Undoubtedly Yeshua recited this very blessing over his disciples when he ascended back to heaven, though of course He would have spoken it in the grammatical first person: “I will bless you and keep you (אני אברך אותך ואשמור לך); I will shine upon you and will be gracious to you; I will lift up my countenance upon you, and give you my shalom” (Luke 24:50-51).



Godly Sorrows…

In this “Daily Dvar” audio broadcast I discuss why God may allow sorrow and affliction in our lives. It’s a difficult topic, of course, and there are no easy answers for why we suffer, though we can frame our concerns in light of the teaching and counsel of Scripture to encourage us to persevere in our faith — even when things are hard for us. I hope you find it encouraging in your journey.


Struggles of Faith…

Do you sometimes have trouble trusting God? Do you wrestle with fear, anxiety, or worry? Does an inexplicable dread or sense of hopelessness sometimes oppress you? Do you secretly wonder what’s wrong with you – and whether you are truly saved, after all? Please hang on. Doubting and questioning are often a part of the journey of faith, and we don’t have to be afraid of our questions, concerns, and difficulties… Being full of “certainty” is not the same as being full of faith, after all, since many sincere people are sincerely self-deceived, while many others experience fear, loneliness, and trouble as a result of their faith. There is so much we simply do not know, and it is dishonest to pretend otherwise. God knows your heart and its struggles; he knows all your secret fears. Thankfully, there is a special prayer included in the holy Scriptures for those times when we feel especially unsteady or insecure: “Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief…” (Mark 9:24) Here we may bring our (lack of) faith to God for healing….

We should not be scandalized that we sometimes struggle with our faith. After all, Yeshua constantly questioned his disciples: “Do you now believe?” (John 16:31). And that’s why we are commanded to “put off” the old nature and to “put on” the new nature — because God knows we are fickle admixtures, contradictions, carnal-yet-spiritual, inwardly divided souls that need to learn to trust in the miracle of God with all our hearts….

Of course it’s easy to believe when things are going well, when faith “makes sense” or provides you with a sense of community, etc., but when things are difficult, when there are disappointments, pain, grief, losses, etc., then you need to trust in the unseen good, the “hidden hand” of God’s love, despite the trouble of your present circumstances. This is part of faith’s journey: leaning on God’s care, despite the “valley of the shadow of death,” despite the tests… The way may sometimes be difficult, but “the tested genuineness of your faith — more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire — will be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Yeshua the Messiah” (1 Pet. 1:7).


Hebrew Lesson

Vayikra Podcast (Shabbat Zakhor)

Shavuah tov, chaverim! Our Torah portion for this week is Vayikra (“and he called”), the very first section from the Book of Leviticus. In Jewish tradition, Leviticus is sometimes called the “Book of Sacrifices” (הספר זבחים) since it deals largely with the various sacrificial offerings brought to the altar at the Mishkan (i.e., Tabernacle). Indeed, over 40 percent of all the Torah’s commandments are found in this central book of the Scriptures, highlighting that blood atonement is essential to the Torah. After all, since the revelation of the Tabernacle was the climax of the revelation given at Sinai, the Book of Leviticus serves as its ritual expression, as it is written: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement (kapparah) by the life” (Lev. 17:11).

In this audio broadcast I discuss the Torah’s calendar Shabbat Zakhor and preparing for the festive holiday of Purim. I also discuss the nature of the Torah’s sacrificial system, the “korban principle” and the healing and restoration we are given in Yeshua the great Lamb of God and Savior of the world.


Audio Podcast:

Parashat Vayakhel Podcast…

According to tradition, Moses descended from Sinai (with the second set of tablets) on Yom Kippur (Tishri 10), and on the following morning he assembled (וַיַּקְהֵל) the people together to explain God’s instructions regarding building the Mishkan (i.e., Tabernacle). First, however, Moses reminded the people to observe the Sabbath as a day of rest, and then he asked for contributions of gold, silver, bronze, and other materials for the construction of the sanctuary and its furnishings. Each contribution was to be a “free-will offering” (i.e., nedivah zevach: נְדָבָה זֶבַח) made by those “whose heart so moved him.” As a sign of their complete teshuvah (repentance) for the sin of the Golden Calf, the people gave with such generosity that Moses finally had to ask them to stop giving!

Two men named “Betzalel” and “Oholiav” were appointed to be the chief artisans of the Mishkan, and they led a team of others that created the roof coverings, frame, wall panels, and foundation sockets for the tent. They also created the parochet (veil) that separated the Holy Place (ha’kodesh) from the Holy of Holies (kodesh ha’kodeshim). Both the roof and the veil were designed with embroidered cherubim (winged angelic beings). Betzalel then created the Ark of the Covenant and its cover called the mercy seat (kapporet), which was the sole object that would occupy the innermost chamber of the Holy of Holies. Betzalel also made the three sacred furnishings for the Holy Place – the Table of Bread (shulchan), the lamp (menorah), and the golden Altar of Incense (mizbe’ach ha’katoret) – as well as the anointing oil that would consecrate these furnishings.

Betzalel then created the Copper Altar for burnt offerings (along with its implements) and the Copper Basin from the mirrors of women who ministered in the entrance of the tent of meeting. He then formed the courtyard by installing the hangings, posts and foundation sockets, and created the three-colored gate that was used to access the courtyard.

In addition to the Torah portion I discuss the holidays of Purim and Shabbat Parah, as well as the greater meta-themes of Passover and the Exodus from Egypt.




For more information please visit www.hebrew4christians.com.

Terumah: Truth of the Sacred… (podcast)

“Let them make me a mikdash (“holy place,” “sanctuary”), that I may dwell in their midst” (Exod. 25:8). Though this verse refers to the physical mishkan (i.e., “Tabernacle”), it more deeply refers to the duty of the heart to sanctify the Name of God and bring a sense of holiness to the inner life. This requires that we focus the mind and heart to honor the sacredness of life, taking “every thought captive” to the truth of God in Messiah (2 Cor. 10:5).  Since our minds and hearts are gateways to spiritual revelation, we must be careful to not to abuse ourselves by indulging in sloppy thinking or unrestrained affections.  God holds us responsible for what we think and believe (Acts 17:30-31), and that means we have a duty to honor moral reality and truth. There is an “ethic of belief,” or a moral imperative to ascertain the truth and reject error in the realm of the spiritual. Since God holds us responsible to repent and believe the truth of salvation, He must have made it possible for us to do so (“ought” implies “can”). And indeed, God has created us in His image and likeness so that we are able to discern spiritual truth. He created us with a logical sense (rationality) as well as a moral sense (conscience) so that we can apprehend order and find meaning and beauty in the universe He created. All our knowledge presupposes this. Whenever we experience anything through our senses, for example, we use logic to categorize and generalize from the particular to the general, and whenever we make deductions in our thinking (comparing, making inferences, and so on), we likewise rely on logic. We have an innate intellectual and moral “compass” that points us to God.

Read more “Terumah: Truth of the Sacred… (podcast)”