Hebrew Learning Books
Biblical Hebrew for Self-Study or Classroom Learning
Introduction to Hebrew
New to Hebrew? Start Here! Unlike most academic books on Biblical Hebrew, this course provides a step-by-step approach that will enable you to understand the Hebraic mindset while learning the alphabet and vowel signs. Studying at your own pace, you will master the Hebrew alphabet, sound out actual Hebrew words, and begin connecting your studies with your heart by reading Hebrew prayers, blessings, and even passages from Scripture! Using this resource, you will learn more than mere academic material; you will learn the underlying spirit of the Hebrew heart. Written by John Parsons, developer of the Hebrew4christians web site.
The book also provides fascinating information throughout, to illustrate how learning Hebrew gives you a better understanding of the Lord Jesus, the Jewish Messiah.
God's Secrets Revealed in Hebrew!
Learn amazing insights into the Hebrew texts of Scripture from a leading Israeli Hebrew teacher, Dr. Danny ben-Gigi. Discover how the prophet Daniel deciphered the "writing on the wall," what Jesus meant by a "jot and tittle" of the Holy Scriptures, what the term "the Son of Man" really means, and much more!
With over 145 fascinating topics, you will realize how God's secrets are embedded into the Hebrew language -- but now you can discover them for yourself! No knowledge of Hebrew is required to use this book - all Hebrew terms and phrases are clearly explained.
Gain Insights into Biblical Hebrew!
Hebrew Word Pictures Study Bundle
Hebrew Word Pictures by Dr. Frank Seekins. The book that shows how the ancient Hebrew letters declare the Gospel! Discover the ancient script that reveals penetrating truth about the Word of God! Includes an Audio CD that will help you learn the word pictures and hear all the examples.

Jumbo Hebrew Flashcards. 8.5"X11" Cover Stock, corner rounded for child safety. 31 cards (22 alphabet letters, Vet, Chaf, Fey, Sin + final letters). Available in Print, Cursive, or Rashi style. Great for teaching or self study! Helpful resource.
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Transliterated Hebrew Bibles
Complete with Hebrew Accenting!
Transliterated Hebrew-English Bible
Hebrew Text with Transliteration and Translation - all in one! All new, updated with Accent marks so you too can read the Bible in Hebrew fluently. This unique resource goes verse by verse through the Hebrew Bible, listing 1) the Hebrew text, 2) a phonetic transliteration, 3) biblical accents, and 4) English translation. It's like having several Bibles in one! Gain confidence as you read the Hebrew text! In addition, an accompanying CD includes the entire Bible narrated in Hebrew (arranged by books) in mp3 format -- over 65 hours of recording -- that you can use to further reinforce your learning!
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Hebrew Word Pictures Bible!
Transliterated Ancient Hebrew Bible
Hebrew Word Pictures, Transliteration and Translation The entire Tanach in Hebrew and English, with concise transliteration of the Hebrew text, the Ancient Hebrew Word Pictures (Paleo-Hebrew), and the Dead Sea Scrolls Style text.
In addition, an accompanying CD includes the entire Bible narrated in Hebrew (arranged by books) in mp3 format -- over 65 hours of recording -- that you can use to further reinforce your learning!
This remarkable resource is a great supplement to the Hebrew Word Pictures study materials by Frank Seekins.
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Read the New Testament in Hebrew!
Transliterated Hebrew New Testament
Greek AND Hebrew - both fully transliterated into English! With this unique tool, you will be able to look up any verse in the English New Testament and read both the underlying Greek Text as well as the most up-to-date and accurate Hebrew translation!
And don't worry if you're still learning the languages -- both the Greek and the Hebrew include full English transliterations, so you can read the texts with confidence!
Created in Israel - the land of Yeshua!
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Transliterated Hebrew-Spanish Bible
Transliterada Hebreo / Español Biblia Estudiar y aprender la Biblia hebrea y la Torá! Lea las palabras en letras hebreas en español! La transcripción en lengua española es sílaba concisa, por sílaba, para una fácil lectura. Incluye tanto un rey Reina Valera Edición y una Edición Moderna Española.
INCLUIDO GRATIS! Un CD de MP3 con toda la Biblia narra en hebreo - 65 horas de grabación!
4000 Páginas, línea por línea, Hebreo/Español y transliteración de toda la Biblia!
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Hebrew Study Bible

The Hebrew English Tanach Stone Edition. Read the Old Testament with classic Jewish commentaries! All 24 books of the Torah, Prophets, and Writings are given in Hebrew and English - fully translated and annotated. Read fascinating commentary by classic sages of Talmudic and Rabbinic literature. Edited by R' Nosson Scherman in collaboration with an international team of scholars.
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Learn the Jewish Prayers and Blessings!
Hebrew Blessings for Shabbat
Handy Shabbat Guide!
Now you can perform your own Messianic Shabbat home celebration with confidence! Using this simplified single-page guide, you will be able to recite the traditional Hebrew blessings with ease! The laminated page includes the traditional steps, each with the Hebrew, transliteration, and English translation. On the other side of the Shabbat Guide you will find the "Lord's Prayer" in Hebrew, which may be incorporated as part of your Shabbat celebration or even framed as a poster for your home... Learn the prayer Yeshua taught His disciples to pray!
Books by Topic:
Beginning Hebrew
These books are suitable for new learners or for those who are reviewing Hebrew:

Zola's Introduction to Hebrew by John J. Parsons, author and developer of Hebrew4Christians.com. A unique step-by-step approach that teaches the fundamentals of Biblical Hebrew while promoting Jewish literacy. Over 400 pages with integrated exercises. Audio support and additional materials available through companion website. 
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Ancient Hebrew Alphabet Chart. This is the ultimate Alphabet Chart, with over 20 alphabets arranged so you can easily compare Hebrew to any of the languages of Biblical and Modern times. Using this chart, you will see how Hebrew has developed over time. High color, laminated: 16.25 X 12.5".
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Hebrew Word Pictures by Dr. Frank Seekins. The book that shows how the ancient Hebrew letters declare the Gospel! Discover the ancient script that reveals penetrating truth about the Word of God! Includes an Audio CD that will help you learn the word pictures and hear all the examples.
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The Gospel in Ancient Hebrew by Dr. Frank Seekins. How Jewish is the Gospel? If the Cross was a fulfillment of the Law, then the Gospel should be found throughout the Old Testament and the Law. This booklet/CD will show you the Good News clearly proclaimed in the ancient Hebrew Word pictures.
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Jumbo Hebrew Flashcards. 8.5"X11" Cover Stock, corner rounded for child safety. 31 cards (22 alphabet letters, Vet, Chaf, Fey, Sin + final letters). Available in Print, Cursive, or Rashi style. Great for teaching or self study! Helpful resource.
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Handbook of Hebrew Calligraphy by Cara Goldberg Marks. Offers both beginning and professional Hebrew calligraphers a detailed guide to every aspect of calligraphy: the materials and supplies needed by the artist, the techniques that must be mastered, considerations for designs and layout.
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Vis-Ed Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary Flash Cards This set contains over 1200 words from the vocabulary of the Hebrew Bible. Take them with you and use them every day for reinforcement of your Hebrew. An indispensible Resource! Amazon.
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Biblical Hebrew: Step-by-Step. Menahem Mansoor has written two volumes of an introductory grammar. These books might be suitable for those who want a less rigorous approach to the subject than Pratico, Ross, or the Kelly textbooks. Amazon. 
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The First Hebrew Primer provides a more gradual, yet thorough, approach to standard Biblical Hebrew grammars by dividing topics into 30 logical lessons. An additional Answer Key is useful for self-study. A good choice for adult learners. Amazon. 
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These books are suitable for those who want to study the grammar of Biblical Hebrew in order to eventually read and study the Hebrew Scriptures.

Biblical Hebrew. Page H. Kelly has written an excellent introductory text to Biblical Hebrew. The separately sold workbook is a must-have item. This is one of the better intermediate-level grammars I've seen so far. Highly recommended. Amazon.
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Basics of Biblical Hebrew. Gary Pratico and Miles Van Pelt have collaborated on a fine seminary-level introduction to Biblical Hebrew grammar. An accompanying workbook is not included but should be considered mandatory for writing exercises. Amazon. 
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Introducing Biblical Hebrew. Allen P. Ross has written a grammar that has grown out of his experience teaching Hebrew to seminary students for over thirty years. This is a good book, and I would recommend it for use in a classroom setting. The phonetics (transliterations) are a bit scholarly, however.
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Invitation to Biblical Hebrew. Russell Fuller (Ph.D., Hebrew Union College). This clear, accurate, and pedagogically sound textbook emphasizes the basics: Hebrew phonology (sounds) and morphology (forms). This grammar avoids jargon or technical language. (not rated)
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Beginning Biblical Hebrew (Hardcover). Mark Futato. An excellent introduction to Biblical Hebrew, that does not go as far as Kelly or Pratico, but is generally more accessible for those getting into the world of Hebrew.
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Biblical Hebrew: An Introductory Textbook. Nancy deClaissé-Walford. A very user-friendly, basic introduction to Classical Hebrew. Intended for beginning students with no previous knowledge of the language. No companion workbook is available. (not rated)

Grammatical Concepts 101 for Biblical Hebrew. This volume is a helpful counterpart to textbooks of Biblical Hebrew. Explanations of grammatical concepts and terms provide students with the framework they need to understand language structures. (not rated)

Biblical Hebrew: A Text and Workbook (Yale Language Series). Each of the 55 lessons in this large textbook is built around a biblical verse or segment that generates the grammatical concepts to be taught. An inductive approach. The typesetting is a bit odd.

A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax by Bill T. Arnold and John H. Choi. A concise guide intended to help you master the intermediate-level skills required to interpret the syntax of the Bible's original language.

The Vocabulary Guide of Biblical Hebrew. Pratico and Miles Van Pelt have collaborated to produce a word-frequency guide to Hebrew words appearing in the Tanakh. Optional but nice to have. For ease of use, however, I would recommend the VIS-Ed cards, shown above.

501 Hebrew Verbs : Fully Conjugated in All the Tenses. Barrows. This book presents each verb on a full page, completely conjugated in all tenses. Note that this book is based on word roots, so you must know the root word before lookup. (advanced)
These books are suitable for those who want to study some of the more unusual features of Hebrew. They are not recommended for those who are not well-grounded in their faith.

The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet is perhaps the definitive work on the subject of the Hebrew otiyot (letters) and their mystical significance from an Orthodox Jewish perspective. Rabbi Michael Munk draws upon his vast knowledge of Torah, Talmud, and Kabbalistic literature to produce the best book on the subject to date. 

The Hebrew Alphabet: A Mystical Journey by Rabbi Edward Hoffman is more of a gift book than a serious study of the Hebrew alphabet. There are some good insights in the book, however. 

The Book of Letters by Rabbi Lawrence Kushner is pretty much a waste of money. If you can find it cheap and used, then it's entertaining, but for any serious effort to appreciate the Hebrew Alphabet, go with Rabbi Munk's book instead. An arty book with not a lot of substance that might make a nice gift for someone. 

The Oracle of Kabbalah: Mystical Teachings of the Hebrew Letters by Richard Seidman and Lawrence Kushner. Another wild ride into the speculative nuances that the Hebrew text can evoke and suggest. This is Kabbalistic mysticism: read at your own risk!

The Inner Meaning of the Hebrew Letters by Robert M. Haralick. A gematria-styled look at the Hebrew alphabet, based on permutations and other forms of Kabbalistic technique. Not recommended for new learners of Hebrew or those who are unsure of their faith.

The Secrets of Hebrew Words by Benjamin Blech. A sod-level analysis of various Hebrew words that uses gematria and other speculative methods to draw inferences. A sequel volume (More Secrets of Hebrew Words) is also available through Amazon.
These are some of the more readily available works of the Hebrew Bible in codex form.

The Hebrew English Tanach Stone Edition. Experience the Jewish Scriptures with the Stone Edition Tanach - all 24 books of the Torah, Prophets, and Writings newly translated and annotated. Read fascinating commentary by classic sages of Talmudic and Rabbinic literature. Edited by Rabbi Nosson Scherman in collaboration with an international team of scholars.
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Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) is the scholar's first choice for studying the Hebrew Masoretic text. Consider this text mandatory if you are serious about getting into the Hebrew Tanakh and want the scholarly apparatus (i.e., masoretic notes and textual criticism additions) required for doing research. 

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Paperback Edition) is the less expensive student's edition of the hardcover. The same Masoretic text and critical apparatus is provided, though the text size is smaller and more difficult to read. You can mark the pages of this edition, however! 

Sefer HaBritot: Hebrew-English Bible is an interlinear Bible that has the Hebrew and English (NKJV) running parallel on each page. This a great resource for learning your Hebrew and for doing Hebrew word studies. The typeset is a bit small for new learners, however. 

The Interlinear NIV Hebrew-English Old Testament, by Kohlenberger. The standard Hebrew text, Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, with all necessary variant readings and major textual conjectures in footnotes. The New International Version (North American Edition) as the English parallel text. 

The JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh features the oldest known complete version of the Holy Scriptures, placed next to JPS's renowned English translation, considered by both Jewish and Christian scholars. Hebrew text includes cantillation marks, vocalization and verse numbers. 

The Interlinear Bible: Hebrew/Greek/English by J.P. Green. An interlinear with both the Hebrew-English Old Testament and Greek-English New Testament. Text size is really small, however, so be prepared to use a magnifying glass. Otherwise a one of a kind reference. 
Essential tools for doing exegesis or analysis of the Hebrew texts. Note that these items are sold by Amazon, not this site:

Langenscheidt's Pocket Dictionary - Hebrew to English This small and inexpensive dictionary provides all of the main entries of the Tanakh in a single, easy to use volume. The typeset is large enough to be useful, too! Ideal for use with the grammar sections of this site. 

A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the Hebrew Language For Readers of English, by Ernest Klein (Carta Jerusalem, University of Haifa). A clear and concise work on the origins of the Hebrew words and their sense development. Each of the 32,000 entries is first given in its Hebrew form, then translated into English and analysed etymologically. 

Your Jewish Lexicon (Union Education Series) by Edith Samuel. Presents a number of key Jewish terms and concepts organized by Hebrew word root. Excellent for those who are beginning to become familiar with traditional Jewish keywords. 

Maskilon, 4 Volume Set This boxed set of 4 volumes is perhaps the easiest to use for English-speaking learners of Hebrew. Edited by Abraham Solomonick and David Morrison. "An indispensable study aid for anyone engaged in the study of Modern Hebrew..." (not rated)

Multi Dictionary Bilingual Learners Dictionary. Features definitions and examples in Hebrew, language functions for interpersonal communication and a lexicon for special purposes. Good for the serious Hebrew student.

The Word: The Dictionary That Reveals The Hebrew Source of English by Isaac E. Mozeson. A unique reference text that traces English words back to their ultimate origin in Biblical Hebrew. Supports a Mother Tongue thesis (i.e., the "Edenic" theory of language).

Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon. The BDB is considered the finest and most comprehensive Hebrew lexicon available to the English-speaking student. Based upon the classic work of Wilhelm Gesenius. Note that this is not a user-friendly lexicon. 

New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis (5 vol set) by Willem A. VanGemeren. Available in book form or on CD ROM, this reference work (based on the NIV) is claimed to be a standard lexicon for serious Hebrew word studies.

Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament by Harris, Archer, and Waltke includes discussions of every Hebrew word of theological significance in the Tankah, plus brief definitions of all other words found in Brown, Driver and Briggs Hebrew Lexicon. Keyed to Strong's Concordance.

A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament by William Lee Holladay. Based on the much larger and more exhaustive HALOT lexicon, the concise HALOT contains most every word in the Hebrew Tanakh without long, drawn-out definitions. 

Englishman's Hebrew Lexicon and Concordance by George V. Wigram. This new edition is improved and corrected and features a new, larger format. Now coded to Strong's, it is invaluable for general purpose Bible study. Note that this is not a user-friendly lexicon. 

The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (2-Vol Study Edition) The third edition of Koehler and Baumgartner's Hebrew dictionary is widely regarded as the most up-to-date dictionary for the Old Testament and related literature in classical Hebrew and Aramaic.

Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament (3 Volume Set) by Ernst Jenni (Editor), Claus Westermann (Editor), and Mark E. Biddle (Translator). A new translation of the classic Theologisches Handworterbuch zum Alten Testament. (Unrated)
These tools help you learn the most common Jewish blessings and prayers:

First Steps in Hebrew Prayer is a book/CD providing the most important Jewish prayers and blessings. It features the Hebrew text in bold letters, line-for-line with English translation and transliteration. The accompanying CD follows the prayers with the voice of Rabbi Tzvi Cooperman.
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Prayerbook Hebrew the Easy Way is a best-selling book (with additional workbook) that introduces you to segments of common synagogue prayers. You may also obtain audio CDs of the readings in this book. I like most of what I see from EKS, so I can recommend this title without reservation. 

The Beginner's Dictionary of Prayerbook Hebrew was specifically designed to be easy to use. Most Hebrew dictionaries list words alphabetically by root forms. If you do not know the root, you cannot look up the word. This dictionary lists words exactly as they appear in Jewish prayerbooks. Restricted to the Siddur, however. 

The Artscroll Interlinear Siddur is the best Orthodox siddur available today, with careful details, excellent typography, and easy-to-use page design. If at all possible, purchase the Shottenstein Edition for both the Weekday prayerbook and the Machzor. You cannot go wrong with these books. 
These books help you better understand the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Note that this is a mere sampling of books, and I will update this if I find the time. Click here for more.

Our Father Abraham by Dr. Marvin Wilson is a foundational writing that will help you better understand the impetus behind the Jewish Roots movement and why so many Bible-believing Christians are turning to the Jewish faith for nourishment and strength. For those new to the Hebraic mindset, this is a great place to start your learning! 

Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic Theology by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum provides a complete overview and analysis of the Biblical view of Israel - past, present, and future. Though it is over 1,000 pages, it reads easily and is quite engaging to those who are interested in this vital subject. 

The Feasts Of The Lord God's Prophetic Calendar From Calvary To The Kingdom by Kevin Howard and Marvin Rosenthal. Learn about God's prophetic calendar, outlining the work of history's most important person -- Jesus, the Messiah. A beautifully produced book with outstanding artwork throughout. 

The Life and Times of Jesus Messiah: New Updated Edition by Alfred Edersheim. One of the most important references on the life of Christ ever written. Provides a storehouse of information on the background of the NT, portraying the streets, marketplaces, religious conflicts, the people, and the places of Jesus' earthly ministry. 

The Christian and the Pharisee: Two Outspoken Religious Leaders Debate the Road to Heaven by R. T. Kendall and David Rosen. Kendall and Rosen, former chief rabbi of Ireland, gather together their 2005 epistolary conversations, in which they discuss topics ranging from Jesus and salvation to Zionism. 

Assumptions that Affect our Lives by Christian Overman. Takes the reader back to the roots of the modern conflict between Christianity and secular humanism through a comparison of ancient Greek and Hebrew culture. Helps you learn to deal with the challenges of living in a predominately Greek-based culture today. 

The Messiah Texts by Raphael Patai. The most comprehensive compilation of Jewish texts about the Messiah in English. Chapters cover such things as pre-existent names of the Messiah, prophecies, apocalyptic writings, birth of the Messiah, stages of the Great Redemption, Last Judgement, Resurrection, dreams and visions of the future world, etc. 

The Gospel According to Moses by Athol Dickson. After he spent five years attending Chever Torah, Athol Dickson found his faith radically changed-the result being a deeper relationship with God. Explores the theological differences and similarities between Christianity and Judaism. 

Pagan Christianity? by Frank Viola and George Barna. While this book frankly ignores the Jewish roots of the Christian faith, it does catalog various pagan influences emodied in Church traditions that fueled the loss of Messianic Jewish perspective. Helpful for institutional church-goers. 

Theologians Under Hitler by Robert P. Ericksen. Three of Germany's great Protestant theological thinkers supported Adolf Hitler: Gerhard Kittel, Paul Althaus, and Emmanuel Hirsch. Kittel, in particular is still widely regarded by NT scholars. 

Our Hands Are Stained with Blood by Michael L. Brown and Don Wilkerson. From the first "Christian" persecutions of the Jews in the fourth century to the horrors of the Holocaust, from Israel-bashing in today's press to anti-Semitism in today's pulpits, this shocking book tells the tragic story that every Christian must hear.

Christian Antisemitism: A History of Hate by William Nicholls. Professor William Nicholls, a former minister in the Anglican Church and the founder of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of British Columbia, presents his stunning research, stating that Christian teaching is primarily responsible for antisemitism.