Social Justice - Relief Organizations
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." (Albert Einstein)
Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) - A legal advocacy organization that seeks to defend religious liberty.
American Center for Law and Justice - The ACLJ provides legal action regarding religious freedoms and freedom of speech as an inalienable, God-given right. Jay Sekulow.
Amnesty International - Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights.

Antiwar.com - A libertarian site that promotes opposition to imperialism.
Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs (BJC) - 60 years of advocating religious liberty in the US. They are "committed to the twin concepts of Free Exercise and No Establishment found in the First Amendment."
Baptist Peace Fellowship - The Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America gathers, equips and mobilizes Baptists to build a culture of peace rooted in justice.
Bridges for Peace - Bridges For Peace is a Jerusalem-based, Bible-believing Christian organization supporting Israel and building relationships between Christians and Jews worldwide through education and practical deeds expressing God's love and mercy.

Center for Law and Religious Freedom - A national grassroots network of lawyers and law students providing legal assistance for the poor and preserving religious freedom and the sanctity of human life.
Christian Freedom International - Supporting persecuted Christians worldwide.
Constitution Party - Limit the federal government to its Constitutional functions and restore American jurisprudence to its original common-law foundations.
Feed my Starving Children - a non-profit Christian organization that provides meals for malnourished children, shipped to nearly 70 countries around the world.
Feminists for Life - Feminists for Life of America is dedicated to systematically eliminating the root causes that drive women to abortion -- primarily lack of practical resources and support -- through holistic, woman-centered solutions.
Fistula Foundation - provides human and financial resources to provide medical help for women suffering from obsteric fistula.
Hadassah Hospital - bringing healing — in every sense of the word — where it's needed most, in the US, Israel and around the world. Every day. As volunteers.
International Justice Mission - A human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation, and other violent forms of oppression.

Intellectual Conservative - Conservative and Libertarian Politics.
Jewish National Fund - The JNF is a multifaceted organization ranked among Top 100 Highly Rated Charities in the world.
LEKET ISRAEL - Leket Israel, the National Food Bank, is the leading food rescue organization in Israel. Unique among all other organizations that serve the poor in Israel and food banks worldwide, Leket Israel's sole focus is rescuing healthy, surplus food and delivering it to those in need through partner nonprofit organizations.
MAP International - Medical Assistance Programs - a Christian relief organization. Ranked as one of the most effective charities in the world. 
Magen David Adom (MDA) - Help save lives in Israel! Magen David Adom provides emergency assistance to victims of terrorism and other life-threatening dangers. Show your love for the Jewish people by giving a (tax-deductible) contribution today.
Mazon - Help make a difference in the lives of hungry families around the world! MAZON allocates donations from the Jewish community to prevent and alleviate hunger among people of all faiths and backgrounds. 
Meir Panim - 22% of Israelis currently live below the poverty level, including 720,000 children. Meir Panim, located in Israel, feeds over 7,000 of the most needy children in Israel every single day. You can help feed the poor by giving a (tax-deductible) contribution to this foodshelf today. 
National Right to Life - Founded in 1968, National Right to Life is the nation's oldest and largest pro-life organization. National Right to Life is the federation of 50 state right-to-life affiliates and more than 3,000 local chapters.
Nizkor Project - Dedicated to the millions of Holocaust victims who suffered and died at the hands of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime.
Open Doors - For over 50 years, Open Doors has supported and strengthened persecuted Christians around the world.
Operation Blessing - A multifaceted Christian relief organization that helps people around the world.
Persecution.com - Voice of the Martyrs is a voice for the persecuted Church today.

Prison Fellowship - An outreach ministry to help those incarcerated worldwide.
Release International - An agency devoted to helping those suffering from religious persecution worldwide.
Rubin-Zeffren Children's Home - Provides a loving and supportive home environment for orphaned and disadvantaged girls from all over Israel. 

Rutherford Institute - Founded in 1982 by constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead, the Rutherford Institute is a civil liberties organization that provides free legal services to people whose constitutional and human rights have been threatened or violated.
Salvation Army - preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

Samaritan's Purse - Following Christ's command by going to the aid of the world's poor, sick, and suffering.
Save the Internet - Join the fight to keep the Internet free from the moneychangers and political meddlers… Net Neutrality is a Civil Rights issue. The Internet Freedom Preservation Act (HR 5353) will guarantee Net Neutrality protections for everyone.
Teen Challenge USA - Teen Challenge offers Christ-centered, faith-based solutions to youth, adults, and families who struggle with life-controlling problems.
United Hatzalah - When emergencies occur, rapid medical treatment increases chances of survival exponentially. Using specially equipped motorcycle ambulances, United Hatzalah's network of more than 7,000 volunteer medics help save thousands of lives each year across Israel by providing medical treatment in an average response time of 3 minutes.
Voice of the Martyrs - Richard Wurmbrand, sentenced to "life" in a communist death room, has been called the "Iron Curtain Paul." VOM is a voice for the persecuted Church today.
ZAKA - Israeli Rescue Mission: Identification, Extraction and Rescue – True Kindness" (זק"א - איתור חילוץ והצלה - חסד של אמת). ZAKA volunteers respond to the scenes of terrorist attacks throughout Israel. The volunteers are trained paramedics and are on call 24/7.
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General Jewish Sites
Aish HaTorah - Explore Judaism, Jewish holidays spirituality, and what it means to be Jewish with Rabbi Noah Weinberg, who founded Aish HaTorah in 1974.
AskMoses.com - An interactive site (Chabad) that provides basic Jewish literacy information in an easy-to-use format.
Chabad.org - A Lubavitch web site that aims to bring people together from across the world. Beware of Kabbalistic philosophy at Chabadnik sites...
Chabad Melodies - Excellent site with a huge assortment of niggunim (melodies).
Dry Bones Cartoon Gallery - Israeli Comic Strip online.
Hillel - The largest Jewish campus organization in the world, Hillel is working to provoke a renaissance of Jewish life. Hillel's mission is to maximize the number of Jews doing Jewish with other Jews.

Jewish Heritage Online Magazine - a web monthly devoted to the study of classic and modern Jewish texts, culture and heritage.
Judaism 101 - An extensive site created, written, researched, and maintained by Tracey Rich, an observant Jew from Pennsylvania. A good resource.
MyJewishLearning.com - A trans-denominational resource for the study of all things Jewish. A nice site, with good information for younger students.
Nizkor Project - Dedicated to the millions of Holocaust victims who suffered and died at the hands of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime. An excellent resource for those who attempt to deny the Shoah. Check out the information on informal fallacies, too.
Ohr Somayach - A large site devoted to the promotion of worldwide Jewish literacy.
Orthodox Union (OU.org) - An outstanding site that is a great resource concerning contemporary orthodox Jewish observance. 
Shamash: The Jewish Network strives to be the highest quality central point of Jewish information and discussion on the Internet. Our mission is to provide state-of-the-art Internet tools to Jewish organizations and individuals who maintain discussion forums for the benefit of the Jewish community.
Zemirot Database - A user-editable online collection of zemirot for the Sabbath, holidays and other special occasions.
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Jewish Holidays (Yom Tov)
Aish - Aish HaTorah's holiday pages.
Jewish Greeting Cards - Some interesting cards you can send to someone you love, with Jewish themes (from Midrash ben ish chai).
Orthodox Union (OU.org) - An outstanding site that is a great resource concerning contemporary orthodox Jewish observance.
Torah.org - An overview of the chagim (Jewish holidays).
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Jewish Education (General)
Chinuch - Chinuch.org is designed to enable Torah educators to share quality educational ideas and materials. Highly recommended for homeschooloers and educators!
Early Jewish Writings - A compendium of online books including Tanakh, Deuterocanon, Pseudepigrapha, Dead Sea Scrolls, Philo of Alexandria, Flavius Josephus and Talmud.
Gabbai Resources - A site that provides PDF files for the Gabbai of the synagogue.
Hebrew Calendar (HebCal) - Hebcal.com provides a host of Jewish Calendar Tools, including the current Hebrew month, holidays, candle-lighting times, and more.
Jewish Encyclopedia.com provides a wealth of information regarding Jewish literacy and culture. 
Jewish Literature - An overview of Jewish Rabbinical literature from 70 AD to the death of Moses Mendelssohn in 1786, by Israel Abrahams.
Judaism 101 - An extensive site created, written, researched, and maintained by Tracey Rich, an observant Jew from Pennsylvania. Search under 613 for a listing of the 613.
Nizkor Project - Dedicated to the millions of Holocaust victims who suffered and died at the hands of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime. An excellent resource for those who attempt to deny the Shoah. Check out the information on informal fallacies, too. 
Virtual Shtetl - Explore Yiddish culture and language!
Yad VaShem - Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, is the Jewish people's memorial to the murdered Six Million and symbolizes the ongoing confrontation with the rupture engendered by the Holocaust.
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Torah Studies (Jewish)
613.org - Jewish Torah Audio.
Aish - Aish HaTorah's weekly Torah portion.
Hebrew Calendar (HebCal) - Hebcal.com provides a host of Jewish Calendar Tools, including the current Hebrew month, holidays, candle-lighting times, and more.
Jewish Law - A site devoted to Halakhah in all of its contemporary manifestations.
Jewish Scribal Arts - STaM is an acronym for three of the sacred Jewish scribal items--Sifrei Torah, Tefillin, and Mezuzot--a parchment on which portions of the Shema are written, and which Jews are commanded to place on their doorposts.
Jewish Theological Seminary - Excellent Torah and Haftarah commentaries online.
Mordecai Pinchas Sofer STAM - An excellent site that documents the work of a STAM sofer (i.e., a certified Jerish scribe). Includes fascinating insights into the text of Torah.
Navigating the Bible II - A good resource for listening to chanted portions of the Hebrew text according to weekly parashiot. Designed for those training to perform Bar Mitzvah ceremony. 
Orthodox Union Torah Commentaries - Provides weekly d'vrei Torah and commentaries.
Pirkei Avot - The Ethics of the Fathers: a collection of ethical sayings of the greatest post-Biblical Jewish sages.
STA"M - STAM is a strong promoter of greater awareness and higher standards in Torah & megillah scrolls, tefillin and mezuzahs.
Temple Institute - An amazing society that is recreating First Temple artifacts for the future restoration of the Temple in the land of Israel.
Torah.org - Project Genesis promotes further Jewish education about our Jewish roots, as represented in Jewish sources. A rich site with loads of good information.
Univeristy of Judaism - Provides a section on Torah interpretation.
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Talmud, Tosefta, Midrash, Haggada
A Page of Talmud - A Page from the Babylonian Talmud presented by Professor Eliezer Segal. This is one of the best Talmud study pages on the net.
Babylonian Talmud Online - The first extensive English translation of the Talmud to be posted on the Internet.
Daf Yomi Calendar - A calendar of the daily Talmud page for the 12th cycle.
E-Daf - Daf Yomi in .GIF format. Advanced students only.
Haggada - This is a massive collation of the Haggada--the traditions which have grown up surrounding the Biblical narrative.
Jewish Virtual Library Talmud - The text of the Bavli online in English.
Legends of the Jews - by Louis Ginzberg. The Jewish Aggadah is now online!
Midrash - The Midrash is the second major body of the oral Torah (after the Talmud), consisting of halakhic and homiletic material concerning the text of Torah.
Online Treasury of Talmudic Manuscripts - Hebrew manuscripts are indexed to enable access by standard citation (tractate, daf and amud for the Talmud Bavli, and tractate, chapter and mishna for the Mishna). From the Jewish National and University Library.
Pirke Avot - Chapters of the Fathers, is a Mishnah Tract that takes its name from the fact that it consists to a great extent of maxims of the Jewish fathers.
The Talmud in Hebrew - A great site with the Tanakh, both the Babylonian Talmud (Bavli) and Jerusalem Talmud (Yerushalami), the Tosefta, and the Mishneh Torah all online, in pointed Hebrew text! 
The Tosefta Online - The Tosefta is a second compilation of oral law (200 CE) which corresponds to the Mishna.
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Kabbalah Sites
Warning: Kabbalah (or Jewish mysticism) is fundamentally opposed to the idea of salvation through Yeshua alone. It claims that human nature is essentially a part of god and that the matter of salvation is to become like god through removing the "kellipot." This is not the salvation message that Yeshua came to bring, nor does it exalt the sacrifice of Yeshua as the means for obtaining eternal kapparah (atonement) with the Father. Nonetheless, the study of Kabbalah is important for those who wish to study Jewish culture and history.
Chabad.org - A Lubavitch web site that promotes kabbalistic mysticism and monistic theosophy. Excellent for research, but be careful not to blindly accept their theology.
Hebrew for Christians Kabbalah Pages - A brief overview of Kabbalistic theosophy for Christians, including resources for dealing with neo-Platonic philosophy...
Kabbalah - Kabbalah.com offers a wide array of information about Kabbalah and Kabbalah-related products.
Kabbbalah.info - Rabbi Michael Laitman and others put together a site devoted to the mystical side of Judaism.
The Inner Dimension - Basics in Kabbalah and Chassidut, Jewish Meditation and topics in Jewish Mystical Thought.
Sefer Yetzirah - the Book of Creation (Zohar).
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Learning Hebrew
Hebrew for Christians Training - A FREE Biblical Hebrew training site from John J. Parsons, the author of the Hebrew for Christians website. 
Ancient Hebrew Research Center - The "Ancient Hebrew Project" is the vision of Jeff A. Benner whose objective is to provide the knowledge and tools necessary to interpret the Bible from an Ancient Hebraic perspective to those who have little or no Hebrew background. An excellent resource. 
Berhman House - Provides some excellent flash programs to help you get started.
Biblia Hebraica - A nice site that provides grammatical helps and notes based on Page H. Kelly's Biblical Hebrew textbook.
FSI Basic Hebrew Language Course - Free course in modern Hebrew with audio and downloadable PDF textbook from the Foreign Service Institute.
Hebrew Calligraphy - Mishnat Soferim (laws of the STAM scribes).
Hebrew Cantillation Marks - A short description of the Hebrew cantillation marks (ta'amim) and their usage for structuring the Bible text, by Helmut Richter.
Hebrew4Christians.com - Learn Hebrew for FREE! Study the Hebrew alphabet, vowels, and basic Hebrew pronunciation. Recite the most common Hebrew blessings and traditional Jewish prayers. Learn about the significance of the Jewish holidays and keep up with weekly Torah portions from a Messianic point of view. Study the Hebrew Names of God. Dig into Biblical Hebrew grammar and explore the Hebraic mindset of the Bible! A unique resource for Christians who want to understand the inherent Jewishness of their faith.

Hebrew4Christians.net - A mirror site of Hebrew4Christians.com.
Hebrew4Christians Online Forum - An online chavurah intended for those who want to study Hebrew or explore the Jewish Roots of the Christian faith.
Hebrew for Christians Facebook Page - Meet people and interact!
Hebrew for Christians Twitter Feed - Join the feed and keep current with site news.
Hebrew Syntax - Dr. Allen P. Ross' quick overview of Hebrew grammar. See also Ross' study of words article.
Jerusalem Perspective - Explore the Jewish Background to the life and works of Jesus at Jerusalem Perspective Online, by David Biven and his crew in Jerusalem.
The Klein Dictionary - Excellent reference dictionary for Biblical Hebrew etymologies.
The Hebrew New Testament (Deiltzsh translation) in UTF format
Yale University Hebraica Team - The Hebraica Team catalogs books written in Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, Judeo-Arabic, Aramaic, etc.
Hebrew Typography Prints
A new collection of Hebrew prints from Piece of History's Hebrew Typography series. Each print features a description of the ancient letter's origin and meaning. Made in Israel.
Use this distinct, modern representation of one of the oldest symbols to decorate the wall of your home or office.
Print Size: 50 x 70cm (19 x 27in.)
Free worldwide shipping from Israel. Click here to order.
Hebrew (and Greek) Tools
Aramaic New Testament - Read the Aramaic Peshitta, the oldest translation of the New Testament from the Greek (note: I do not hold to Aramaic primacy of the New Testament, since extant MSS from the DSS and NT sources do not warrant this conclusion).
Blue Letter Bible - A treasure trove of excellent bible study tools, including interlinear Hebrew, LXX, and New Testament pages with grammatical parsing information. 
Franz Delitzch Hebrew New Testament Online - a great resource! The Hebrew New Testament as translated by Franz Delitzch in HTML!
Greek New Testament (Scrivener-1894) UTF8 - HTML Greek new Testament (UTF8 encoded) based on the Scrivener (1894 edition).
Greek Septuagint/LXX (UTF8 Encoded) - The complete Greek LXX in HTML-friendly UTF8 unicode.
Haktuvim - An interlinear Hebrew-English Bible study tool by the Bible Society in Israel.
HTML Bible - Includes both a Hebrew Interlinear edition and Greek New Testament Interlinear edition of the Scriptures.
Learn Hebrew Verbs - Learn over 300 Hebrew verbs sorted by gender, tense, number, etc. Printable as flashcards. A nice resource by Mr. Jacob Richman.
Maskilon - Jerusalem Institute for Education; a nice site with excellent Hebrew Dictionary.
Mechon Mamre - Read the Hebrew Tanakh online in HTML! An outstanding resource.
My Hebrew Name - a site that renders your English name into Hebrew.
OSIS Web - An Interlinear Greek and Hebrew Bible with study links and other helps. 
Scholars Gateway - A site that collates a number of study tools for Hebrew, Greek, etc.
Strongs Online Dictionary - Enter a Strong's Number, Hebrew or English Word, and presto! you have an instant online definition.
StudyLight.org - Look under 'Study Resources' for an online lexicon and hebrew-English parallel! Be sure to install the Hebrew font first.
The Greek New Testament Gateway - An excellent resource for learning and studying the Greek New Testament, including links to Koine Greek tutorials. 
Transliterated Greek New Testament - The complete Greek New Testament transliterated from Koine Greek.
Westminster Lenigrad Codex Online - From the electronic version of the Leningrad Codex maintained by the J. Alan Groves Center for Advanced Biblical Research.
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Hebrew Scriptures (Research and Software)
Accordance Software - Accordance is the premier Bible Study software, offering you the power you need, the interface you expect, and the choices you want.
Bible Society in Israel - Member of the United Bible Societies, Jerusalem, Israel.
BibleWorks Software - The premier software for the linguistic study of the Scriptures. Comes with Greek, Hebrew, and Septuagint Bibles, as well as translations in English, German, Spanish, and many other languages! 
Blue Letter Bible - A treasure trove of excellent bible study tools, including interlinear Hebrew, LXX, and New Testament pages with grammatical parsing information.
Chumash Online - A searchable database containing an English translation of the Chumash, Rashi Commentary, and Text Footnotes.
Early Jewish Writings - Early Jewish Writings is the most complete collection of Jewish documents from antiquity with translations, introductions, and links.
Franz Delitzch Hebrew New Testament Online - a great resource! The Hebrew New Testament as translated by Franz Delitzch in HTML!
The Hebrew New Testament (Deiltzsh translation) in UTF format
Hebrew Study Tools - Michael D. Marlowe's site for doing research. 
iTanakh - Resources for academic study of the Tanakh and Old Testament literature.
Jerusalem Perspective - Explore the Jewish Background to the life and works of Jesus at Jerusalem Perspective Online, by David Biven and his crew in Jerusalem.
Katopi Interlinear LXX and Hebrew - Interlinear Greek (LXX) with Hebrew Bible.
Mechon Mamre - Read the Hebrew Tanakh online with a recording of the readings from Father Abraham Shmuelof of the Hebrew-speaking Catholic community in Israel.
OSIS Web - An Interlinear Greek and Hebrew Bible with study links and other helps. 
Scripture Software - A page to download free a Hebrew bible and other software.
StudyLight.org - Another online Bible study resource that includes Hebrew tools.
The Unbound Bible - Five modern and ancient Hebrew Bibles online.
Westminster Lenigrad Codex Online - From the electronic version of the Leningrad Codex maintained by the J. Alan Groves Center for Advanced Biblical Research.
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Messianic Organizations
Abrahamic Faith - Abrahamic Faith Ministries was founded by Mohammed Altaf, Ex-Muslim from Pakistan who discovered God's love for Israel. 
Adat Bnei HaMelech - Congregation of the Children of the King, a ministry lead by Rabbi Ari Levitt Sawyer. A large site with lots of great information! 
Allon Ministries - Allon Ministries exists to promote the Hebraic message of the Bible. 
Ariel Ministries - The solid teaching of Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum. 
Artists for Israel International - Dr. Phil Gobel's site for the Messianic Orthodox Jewish Bible. Includes Yiddish and Hebrew New Testaments.
Chosen People Ministries - Chosen People Ministries was founded under the name American Board of Missions in 1894 by Rabbi Leopold Cohn in Brooklyn, New York. Their ministry is devoted to bringing that message to Jewish people
Galilee of the Nations - Producers and distributors over 50 Messianic praise and worship albums from some of the most talented Messianic musical artists.
HaY'Did Learning Center - HaY'Did (The Friend in Hebrew) is a neutral clearing house which reviews and stocks educational materials dealing in the subject matter of the Jewish roots of the Christian faith.
Hebraic Heritage Ministries - Ed Chumney's large website devoted to teaching the Hebraic roots of Christianity.
Howard Morgan Ministries - Dr. Morgan's Ministry Emphasizes Two Themes: The Reconciliation of the Church and the Jewish People, and The Equipping and Empowering of The Saints for Effective Service. 
Jesus is a Jew - A site providing a series of articles on the Jewishness of Jesus. 
Mayim Hayim - Mayim Hayim Ministries is a pro-life, pro-family organization - A Barnabas Ministry, Teaching God's Love and Grace in a Messianic Way! 
Messianic Dance Camps International - Mindy Seta teaches Messianic Jewish dance as a means of helping people experience emotional and physical healing.
MessianicHomeSchool.net - MHN is dedicated to families that are schooling their children from a Messianic Jewish perspective. An excellent resource. 
Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA) - An alliance of professing Messianic organiziations.
Messianic Literary Corner - The Messianic Literary Corner is an independent Messianic Jewish (Hebrew Christian) ministry offering grace oriented teaching, prophecy studies, poetry, bulletin board, chat room, and more! 
Messianic Ministry to Israel - An outreach to the Jewish people, promoting the glory of the God of Israel as revealed through Yeshua the Mashiach.
Olive Tree Ministries - Olive Tree Ministries helps interpret the news from a biblical and prophecy-related perspective with an emphasis on Israel and Middle East issues. 
Our Rabbi Jesus - Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg's site featuring their exciting new book, "Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus." 
Seed of Abraham Messianic Congregation - A messianic Jewish congregation located in St. Louis Park Minnesota. 
Seek God - An organization devoted to exposing the dark side of the Hebrew Roots movement, including the tendency toward occultic thinking and Gnosticism. If you are honest about your Messianic Judaism, you had better consider some of its sources.
Tikkun International - A ministry of Dr. Dan Juster partnering for the full restoration of Israel and the Church.
Torah Class - In-depth inter-disciplinary teaching and study of the Torah and the Old Testament, presented from a Hebrew Roots perspective. Free download of the streaming audio or audio files of the teachings, plus the accompanying Powerpoint graphics. 
Zola Levitt Internet TV Ministries - Watch the grandfather of the Jewish Roots movement interview people and discuss the Jewish roots of Christianity. 

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Christian Sites
Acts 17:11 - Dean and Laura VanDruff's website offers a breath of fresh air with a variety of articles, humor, and earnest appeal to obey the gospel.
AmazingBible.org - A mega-site of Bible, Christian and religious information & studies. 
AudioTreasure - Download MP3s of the Bible, in English or other languages! A free resource and a wonderful resource!
Babylon the Great is Falling - A prophetic ministry by Jack D. Hook regarding America's place in acharit hayamim (the last days). 
Barnabas Fund - Barnabas Fund serves the suffering Church and makes their needs known to Christians around the world.
Bible Sprout - Bible Sprout is an evangelical website focused on providing the best information about Christianity and providing users the ability to go deeper in their faith. Our website has lots of information on everything from Who Jesus Is to How to Pray. 
BibleStudy.org - A Christian site that provides topic bible study lessons. 
Bruderhof Communities - An outstanding resource for Christians to explore the depths of their faith. Many free e-books available for download! Recommended!
Christian Classics Ethereal Library - Classic Christian books in electronic format, selected for your edification. Includes the Audio Greek New Testament.
Christian Freedom International - Christian Freedom International helps persecuted Christians on the front lines. Recommended Site. 
Christian Friends of Israel - Christian Friends of Israel (CFI), with headquarters in Jerusalem and with offices in the United States and in many other countries, administers mercy and relief programs assisting Jews returning to Israel from the CIS, Ethiopia and other parts of the Diaspora.
Early Christian Writings - An online compendium of various books providing background information about the New Testament.
GospelCom.net - A major portal to the Christian web.
Got Questions Ministries - Got Questions Ministries seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing Biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually-related questions through an internet presence. A great site with lots of helpful information! 
The Hal Lindsey Report - An excellent resource for understanding current events in light of the great prophetic truths of the Scriptures.
International Christian Concern (ICC) - Serving Christ's persecuted body by providing awareness, assistance, and advocacy. A recommended site. 

Jerusalem Perspective - Explore the Jewish Background to the life and works of Jesus at Jerusalem Perspective Online, by David Biven and his crew in Jerusalem.
Jews for Jesus - One of the pioneers in the Messianic Movement. 
Lambert Dolphin's Library - Physicist and Bible scholar Lambert Dolphin provides an array of fascinating articles and timely meditations. Recommended! 
Online Bible Study Tools - BibleKeeper.com is a free online database of the Bible in several languages and also Bible study tools. 
Prophezine - A teaching ministry produced by Ray and Trace Gano. The web ministry, an extension of the PropheZine newsletter, began in 1993 and has been growing since. 
New Testament Gateway - An award winning web directory of internet resources on the New Testament.
Rapture Forums - An interactive community for information on the rapture of the church and end times according to Bible prophecy. 
RaptureReady - A site that unabashedly proclaims the imminent, pretribulational rapture of the church and provides articles about the errors of preterism and covenant theology. 

The Watchman's Post - A site by the Gethsemane Olivet Fellowship regarding preparing for acharit hayamim - the end of days - and the soon coming of the Mashiach.
Trumpet of Salvation - Jacob Damkani's missionary site in Israel.
Youth Group Missions - Short Term Mission Trips organized by the Group Workcamps foundation boosts character in kids and boosts the skills of youth in your church. A great way for youth to share the love of the Mashiach Yeshua!
Zola Levitt Ministries is guided by the standard of Romans 1:16 -- "To the Jew first and also to the Gentile." An excellent resource. 

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Christian Apologetics
Alpha and Omega - A (Reformed) theology and apologetics site run by Dr. James White.
Ankerberg Theological Research Institute - The website of the nationally televised "John Ankerberg Show."
Aplogetics.com - Apologetics.com "exists to remove intellectual impediments to Christian faith, thereby enhancing believers' confidence in, and weakening skeptics' objections to, the gospel message."
Apologetics.org - A site devoted to C.S. Lewis' approach to defending the historic Christian faith.
CARM - Christian Apologetics and Research Ministries.
CADRE - Christian Colligation of Apologetics Debate Research & Evangelism.
Christian Colligation - Christian Colligation of Apologetics Debate Research & Evangelism (Cadre), with blog, forum, and articles.
A Christian Thinktank - An eccletic and interesting site that will provoke you to think more earnestly about your faith.
Christian Arsenal - An apologetics site that provides some useful links for the study of Christian philosophy and apologetics.
C.S. Lewis Resources - The C.S. Lewis Foundation list of online resources about the famous Oxford don who turned his life over to Jesus...
Dangerous Idea Blog - Victor Reppert's blog discussing various philosophical and theological questions.
For an Answer - Good resource for the Greek New Testament textual issues.
Michael Horner Speaks Out - Philosopher Michael Horner promotes and defends Christianity on university and college campuses.
Probe Ministries - Probe's mission is to present the Gospel to communities, nationally and internationally, by providing life-long opportunities to integrate faith and learning through balanced, biblically based scholarship. 
Reasons to Believe - A Science-Faith Thinktank.
Reformed Apologetics - The Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics (CRTA) is dedicated to providing biblically sound online resources for the edification of God's people
Stand to Reason - Stand to Reason trains Christians to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity and classical Christian values in the public square.
Tekton Ministries - A general-purpose apolgetics resource.
The Veritas Forum - Veritas Forums are university events that engage students and faculty in discussions about life's hardest questions and the relevance of Jesus Christ to all of life.
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World Religions
Answering Islam - A web site that dialogs (polemically) with Islam.
Islam Watch - Telling the truth about Islam -- authored by former Muslims.
Religious Tolerance - Religions of the world: Information about 40 organized religions and faith groups.
World Religions Index - A great site canvassing the various issues regarding world religions, cults, and other faith expressions in our postmodern age. From Leadership U.
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Hebrew Web Sites
Haaretz - A Hebrew-only site that has a lot of links to other sites in Israel.
Easy Hebrew News - Israeli audio news in Easy Hebrew format.
YeshaNews - a Hebrew-only news site.
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Jewish Music Web Sites
Chabad Melodies - Excellent site with a huge assortment of niggunim (melodies).
Five Towns Radio - Live Jewish Music 24/6.
Galilee of the Nations - Producers and distributors over 50 Messianic praise and worship albums from some of the most talented Messianic musical artists.
Gan HaLev Zemirot - A site that provides some traditional Jewish liturgical songs, particularly a Sabbath songs. Both the musical score as well as sound files are provided to help you learn some of the best of the Zemirot!
Kol Ha Yeshuah - the first Messianic Jewish radio station – broadcasting in Hebrew to Jerusalem, Israel's 3000-year-old capital, and to the Land of Israel.
Israel National News Radio Jukebox - From Arutz Sheva.
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