Vayikra Podcast for Shabbat Zakhor

Shavuah tov, chaverim! Our Torah portion for this week is Vayikra (“and he called”), the very first section from the Book of Leviticus. In Jewish tradition, Leviticus is sometimes called the “Book of Sacrifices” (הספר זבחים) since it deals largely with the various sacrificial offerings brought to the altar at the Mishkan (i.e., Tabernacle). Indeed, over 40 percent of all the Torah’s commandments are found in this central book of the Scriptures, highlighting that blood atonement is essential to the Torah. After all, since the revelation of the Tabernacle was the climax of the revelation given at Sinai, the Book of Leviticus serves as its ritual expression, as it is written: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement (kapparah) by the life” (Lev. 17:11).

In this audio broadcast I discuss the Torah’s calendar Shabbat Zakhor and preparing for the festive holiday of Purim. I also discuss the nature of the Torah’s sacrificial system, the “korban principle” and the healing and restoration we are given in Yeshua the great Lamb of God and Savior of the world.


Audio Podcast: