Surrounded by His Sukkah…

The root idea of the word “sukkah” means to cover or surround, as in hedge of protection. The Hebrew root is used when Moses asked to behold God’s glory and the meaning of the name YHVH (יהוה), and God said, “Behold there is a place by me where you shall stand on the rock, and while my glory overtakes you I will cover you with my hand (וְשַׂכּתִי כַפִּי עָלֶיךָ) until I have passed by (Exod. 33:21-21). The hand of God (יַד־יְהוָה) is our sukkah, and indeed the LORD writes our names upon his palms and sets us as a seal upon his heart (Isa. 49:16; Sol. 8:6). Likewise David affirmed that God would treasure you within his sukkah and elevate you upon the Rock that is Messiah: “For he will hide me in his cloud (sukkah) in the time of trouble he will conceal me in the secret of his presence (tent), on the Rock he will raise me up” (Psalm 27:5).

Psalm 27:5 Hebrew reading lesson (click):

The LORD will conceal or “treasure you” (the word tzafan [צָפַן] means to prize as a treasure) in his Sukkah, that is, cover you with the Cloud of his Glory… in the day of trouble he will conceal you in his tent, that is, ba’makom – within his Dwelling place, under the shadow of his wings he protect you; he will elevate you upon the Rock which is Messiah (1 Cor. 10:4).

Since God’s Name (יהוה) means “Presence,” “Breath,” “Compassion,” “Love,” “Healing,” and so on, we are surrounded by his Sukkah at all times… In other words, you don’t have to be in a physical sukkah to be in His sukkah! May God open our eyes to see his glory! Sukkot Sameach be’Yeshua (סוכות שמחה בישוע) – Happy Sukkot in Yeshua!