Remaining Steady…

The essential thing is to remain focused on what is ultimately real, true, and abiding. We do this by praying “without ceasing,” which means intentionally focusing our thoughts and desires in light of God’s Presence. King David said that he always “set” the LORD before him and therefore he was made strong in times of testing (Psalm 16:8). To know the truth means choosing before the audience of God’s reality, before the holy witnesses of heaven and the sacredness that inheres in all things, as it is written: “Sanctify yourselves and be holy; for I am holy” (Lev. 11:44; 1 Pet.1:16). We know this truth as we live it – as we esteem God’s greatness by regarding the sacred in our decisions. Most especially we must learn the truth of God’s comfort in Yeshua, for he promises never to leave nor forsake us (Isa. 40:10). Do not lose sight of your blessed end; “remember the future” that awaits you… it’s just up ahead!