Chanukah – Parashat Miketz Podcast…

In our Torah portion for Chanukah week, parashat Miketz (i.e., Gen. 41:1-44:17) we will read how imprisoned Joseph successfully interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams and suddenly rose to power in Egypt. Because of a famine in the land of Canaan, however, his brothers (who had earlier betrayed him) came to Egypt in search of food. A disguised Joseph then tested his brothers to see whether they were the same people who had callously sold him into slavery, or whether they had undergone teshuvah (repentance).

The eventual revelation of Joseph and his reconciliation with his brothers is a prophetic picture of acharit ha-yamim (the “End of Days”) when Israel, in Great Tribulation, will come to accept Yeshua as Israel’s true deliverer. Presently, the veil is still over the eyes of the Jewish people and they collectively regard Yeshua as an “Egyptian” of sorts. In this connection, I list some of the ways that Joseph is a “type” or foreshadowing of the coming Yeshua as the Suffering Servant (see “Mashiach ben Yosef”).

Miketz Podcast: