Parashat Mattot-Masei

This week we read a “double portion” of Torah to conclude Sefer Bamidbar, or “the Book of Numbers.” Our first Torah portion, parashat Mattot (מַטּוֹת, “tribes”), begins with the LORD giving laws regarding the making of vows (nedarim). After this, the Israelites were commanded to wage war against the Midianites for seducing the people to sin at the incident of “Baal Peor.” During the ensuing battle, the wicked sorcerer Balaam was killed, as well as five tribal kings of the land of Midian. Our second Torah portion, parashat Masei (מַסְעֵי, “journeys”), provides the boundaries of the land of Canaan that were to be initially occupied by the Israelites. Note that these borders are not the same as those described earlier to Abraham (see Gen. 15:18-21), since that area will be given to Israel only after our Messiah Yeshua returns to establish Zion during the Millennial Kingdom (see Ezek. 47:15-48:35). During that coming time, Jerusalem (i.e., Zion) will be the center of the earth and renamed as “Adonai Shammah” (יְהוָה שָׁמָּה), “the LORD is there.”


Mattot-Masei Podcast: