His Invincible Purposes…

When you are tested, affirm your confidence. Spiritually speaking, the first step is to find hope… The Divine Light is seen by the eye of faith (עין האמונה), and therefore we find strength by trusting in God’s Presence, even though we cannot presently see Him (2 Cor. 4:18; 5:7). “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Know Him in all your ways, and He will straighten your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil” (Prov. 3:5-7). Wait on the LORD and He will strengthen your heart….

We must remain steady as we fight the “good fight of faith.” This is the struggle against the lie that God does not care for us and that we are therefore abandoned and on our own. We must repudiate fear and boldly lay hold of the promises of God; we must take every thought captive to the reality of God’s love for us in Yeshua. As it is written, “The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked come upon me to devour my flesh, when my adversaries and enemies attack me, they will totter and fall. Even if an army is deployed against me, I will not fear; even if war is rises against me, I will remain full of trust” (Psalm 27:1-3).

The Midrash says, “The Holy One Himself, as it were, made light for the upright. Thus it says, “The LORD is my light and my salvation” (Psalm 27:1) and “When I sit in darkness, the LORD will be a light to me” (Micah 7:8). While I sit in darkness in this world, during these latter days before the promised return of Yeshua, when troubles may afflict me and lawlessness may abound – then God’s light will shine brighter still, for the LORD is gracious to all who put their hope in Him, and this favor and love will be manifest for me.

Whenever I feel anxious or downcast, I need to meditate upon the greatness of God and his invincible power. His will is sovereign and no one and nothing can ever thwart his plans and purposes for our good (Rom. 8:28). Let us therefore renew our confidence in Him: The darkness of this world forever is swept back before the overmastering radiance and power of Yeshua, the King of Glory, the Root and Descendant of David, and the Bright Morning Star (Rev. 22:16). Those who believe in Him are given the “light of life” that overcomes the darkness of this world (John 8:12). We are made “more than conquerors” through the One who loves us. Nothing can overrule God’s plan for our salvation, as it says: “The purpose of the LORD endures forever, the thoughts of his heart are to all generations” (Psalm 33:11).


As we draw closer to the “end” of the “End of Days” it is important not to let our hearts grow cold or numb with fear… The devil uses mass media, the realm of politics, and stupefying “news” propaganda of this world (i.e., κόσμος) to incite the workers of iniquity to do his bidding, tempting believers in the LORD to feel discouraged, overrun with evil, and increasingly marginalized in their faith… But take heart, chaverim: the victory has already been won; God’s truth will forever prevail (1 Cor. 15:57). Always remember that there is more power in one simple and heartfelt prayer before heaven than all the schemes and armies of the wicked combined. All those who are “fathered by God” conquer the world, since God imparts to us the victory of faith by means of His powerful Spirit (1 John 5:4). Therefore the heart of faith says, “In all these things [afflictions, tribulations, etc.] we are ‘more than conquerors’ (lit., “hyper-conquerors,” i.e., ὑπερνικῶμενfromὑπέρ, “hyper” + νικάω, “to overcome”) through Him that loved us (Rom. 8:37). So do not lose heart. Don’t believe in the matrix of this world. Time is short; the hour approaches… “Have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known” (Matt. 10:26). Amen.