Healing the Sick Soul…

Sickness of the soul is just as serious as sickness of the body, and indeed many of our physical sicknesses come from being sick at heart – by living in fear or despair, or by allowing unresolved guilt or anger to destroy ourselves. The Scriptures state that just as a body can become sick with illness, so can the soul: “I said, ‘O LORD, be gracious to me; heal my soul (רְפָאָה נַפְשִׁי), for I have sinned against you.'”


Note the connection between healing of the soul and the confession of sin in this verse. Often we are sick because of inner secrets that need to be brought to the light (1 John 1:9). “Therefore, confess (ἐξομολογέω, lit. ‘confess out’) your sins to one another and pray (εὔχομαι) for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person (i.e., tzaddik) works great power” (James 5:16). Being yashar – honest and upright – produces spiritual power and life. The word translated “pray” (euchomai) means to “wish (εὐχὴ) for oneself (or for another) the good.” Confession (ὁμολογία) means bringing yourself naked before the Divine Light to agree with the truth about who you are. Indeed, the word homologeo literally means “saying the same thing” – from ὁμός (same) and λόγος (word). We need to confess the truth if we are to be free from the pain of the past.

Followers of Yeshua are called to be healers (Luke 9:1). The most common word for healing in the New Testament is therapeuo (θεραπεύω), a word that means to serve, to care for, and to restore to health. Unlike showy ministers who draw crowds to demonstrate the power of miraculous “faith healing,” spiritual healers take the time to listen to others, to hear their pain, and to extend compassion and grace to them. They help open the inner eyes of the heart by extending hope and a new vision about what is real… Indeed, lasting healing focuses less on being cured than on finding a hope that will never die.

Postscript:  What eternal good would it do, after all, to be “cured” of some disease if a soul was not also delivered from the power of darkness and sin? What would such “healing” mean, in light of the truth of eternity? After all, if the evil one may afflict people with sickness, surely he may also remove it to keep a person in a state of bondage… Some people, after frantically searching for a cure to their sickness, finally must let go and accept that they are going to die… If they have come to real inner peace, if they hold hope of eternal life within them because of the message of Yeshua, then even though they might not be physically “cured” in this world of shadows, they are indeed forever “healed” for life in the “high country” of the world to come…