Discovering the Sacred Center…

It is written in our Scriptures, θεὸς ἀγάπη ἐστίν, “God is love,” which means that God’s compassion and kindness are bound to his very essence and nature, and therefore our task is not to seek God’s love but to remove all the barriers within us that we have built against receiving it… Discovering what hinders our reception of love does not come from human analysis, however, as if we could take ourselves apart to find some reason for our fear. No, the best way to overcome barriers of the heart is to be still, seek silence, and pray – for this enables us to get in touch with the “sacred center,” that is, the realm of holiness where God dwells. “Shema Yisrael…” When we empty ourselves, turning to God for love, we will hear the Spirit whispering back to us: “Be not afraid…” “Live in me…” “Walk in the light…” “I am with you always…” “You are loved…”


Hebrew Lesson: