Life is often a messy (and painful) business for us. We are weak. We are tempted, and we regularly fail. We are filled with ambivalence; we contradict ourselves; we struggle; we falter, we sin. At times we may even feel lost and inconsolably alone. But faith is a gift from heaven – the gift of God’s presence, and as such the miracle attests that “God is with us,” even in our times of darkness, in moments of sadness, heartache, confusion, anger, and fear.
Where is God in our sorrows, our losses, our nightmares? He is with us. Despite the blindness of our hearts, the Spirit whispers: “I am with you.” Yea, God never leaves us; he never forsakes us. He cares. His heart spans “the breadth and length and height and depth” of all that we are, expressed in his eviscerated groans for our deliverance, in drops of blood sweat out in his passion, in the forsakenness and utmost anguish of the cross… Faith believes and then sees.
God is with us, yet in the anxiety of the everyday we often lose sight of him. We forget. We go dark. We go into exile. And then in “the mercy of our misery” we sense the call of his heart once again: “Come unto me, you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest…” We slow down and again seek his “hidden” Presence, remembering his greatness and turning our thoughts back to what is ultimately real… What we thought was so big — the dramas of this world — suddenly seems small and insignificant. We remember the LORD our God; we revisit what matters most of all. And as we do so, the Spirit of God begins to flow within us as we reconnect with our true identity as God’s beloved child. We come back to the open arms our Savior. He is alive; Jesus is real; we belong to him and he will lead us into the depths of his love forever and ever… Amen.
Friend, if you struggle inwardly with sin and despair over yourself, remember: Faith is itself the struggle to believe, and therefore the struggle reveals the presence of earnestness within you… God sees you and will hear the cry of your heart…

- Psalm 34:15 Hebrew page (pdf)