Changed by His Spirit…

The Apostle Paul (רבי פאולוס השליח) taught that we are not to be “conformed” (συσχηματίζω) to the pattern of this fallen world but rather be “transformed” (μεταμορφόω) by renewing our minds, so that by testing we may discern what is the will of God (Rom. 12:2). Note that the word translated “conformed” in this verse means to accept the world’s scheme (σχῆμα) of understanding things, that is, to passively go along with the world’s matrix of lies, wishful thinking, propaganda, etc. The word translated as “transformed,” on the other hand, means to be metamorphosed or radically changed into a different kind of nature with a different source of being itself. Such transformation comes from having our minds “renewed” — the word used in this verse (i.e., ἀνακαινόω) means being “made new on the inside,” and therefore renewal is the gift of teshuvah (turning to God). Understand, then, that the foundation of all transformation of inner character and outward conduct comes from the miracle of having a renewed mind. I use the word “miracle” quite intentionally, since by itself “right thinking” is powerless to help the sinner truly change his ways, and therefore something more – new life and healing power from heaven, is needed.


Hebrew Lesson: