The fear of the LORD

“The fear of the LORD is the first principle of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and correction” (Prov. 1:7). In this “Daily Dvar” broadcast I discuss how reverence or respect is axiomatic for a genuinely good life. Fearing God expresses the confidence that life is a sacred trust and that each soul is answerable to the Creator. Such godly reverence infers that nothing is trivial or inconsequential, and that all things will be accounted before the bar of divine truth. I hope you will find it helpful, friends.

Eikev: Shavuah Tov Podcast

In our Torah reading for this week (i.e., parashat Eikev), Moses continues his farewell address to Israel by saying, “And because (עֵקֶב) you listen to these rules and keep and do them, the LORD your God will keep with you the covenant and the love that he swore to your fathers” (Deut. 7:12). Note that the word eikev (עֵקֶב), often translated “because,” literally means “heel,” which recalls Jacob (יעקב) the “heel-holder” who wrestled with the pain of his past to learn to bear the name Israel (יִשְׂרָאֵל), the “prince of God” (Gen. 32:28)… And like Jacob, we must grapple to believe that the covenant of God’s love and acceptance is for us, too… Read more “Eikev: Shavuah Tov Podcast”

Vaetchanan Shavuah Tov Podcast

Parashat Vaetchanan (Deut 3:23-7:11) includes some of the most foundational texts of the Jewish Scriptures, including the Ten Commandments, the Shema (the duty to love God and study His Torah), and the commandments of tefillin and mezuzot. In addition, in this Torah portion Moses predicts the worldwide exile and the eventual redemption of the Jewish people in acharit hayamim (the prophesied “End of Days”).

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Blessing of Holy Desperation…

Shalom friends. In this “Daily Dvar” broadcast I discuss what I have called the “blessing of holy desperation,” or that very special blessing of needing God so viscerally that you would otherwise fall apart or even self-destruct apart from his ongoing intervention in your life. I hope you will find it helpful...

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Judgment from God?

In today’s “Daily Dvar” audio broadcast I discuss the question of whether the Covid 19 virus is a judgment from heaven, or if not, how we might attempt to understand its occurrence in light of the sovereignty and greatness of God. Therefore I first range over a discussion of the attributes of God revealed in Scripture and consider his providential care for creation despite the presence of moral and natural evil in the world. Along the way I discuss the realm of possibility and God’s decrees, and how he works “all things together” for our ultimate good and for the glory of his name. I hope you will find it encouraging, friends.

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God is in Control

In this “Daily Dvar” broadcast, I remind you that God is the Master of the Universe, the Sovereign Power and Glory over all of creation, and that nothing can possibly happen apart from his ultimate purposes. This message is vital in our world today, where so many forget the truth of the Lord God Almighty and therefore live in fear over various existential threats to their physical lives. We find comfort and strength knowing that our Heavenly Father oversees all things and works all things together for our blessing. The Lord is our Good Shepherd and he carefully attends to our way.

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New Heart and Spirit

Shalom chaverim. When King David cried out to the Lord, “Create in me a clean heart, O God,” he did not use the Hebrew word yatzar (יָצַר), which means to “fashion” or “form” something from pre-existing material (Gen. 2:7), but he instead used the word bara (בָּרָא), a verb exclusively used in the Torah to refer to God’s direct creation of the cosmos (Gen. 1:1). In other words, King David understood that no amount of reformation of his character would be enough, and therefore he appealed to that very power of God that alone could create yesh me’ayin, or “out of nothing.” Such was the nature of the remedy required that was fulfilled in the cross of Messiah… In this “Daily Dvar” audio broadcast I discuss the need for salvation and God’s gift of a new heart and spirit. I hope you find it helpful…

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Withstanding Evil Days

As people of faith in the LORD, we profoundly feel the tension between affirming both that our loving Creator sustains all things by the word of his power (Deut. 32:4; Psalm 33:4; Col. 1:16-17, Heb. 1:3, etc.) and yet acknowledging that the ongoing depravity of human beings yields untold suffering, heartache, and pain in this world. In this “Daily Dvar” broadcast I range over a number of issues regarding trusting God in times of darkness and ambiguity. I hope you find it helpful, friends.

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Called by Name…

In this “Daily Dvar” broadcast I hope to encourage you to live without fear because of the great love and grace the Lord has for you. The Lord has personally redeemed you, friend; he calls you by name, and you belong to him. Indeed the Lord loves you “b’ahavat olam” – with everlasting love – and therefore he draws you close to him (Jer. 31:3). Shalom chaverim.

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