Blessing for the Thirsting…

Our Torah reading for this week is about “making space” for God in our lives… We read God’s appeal: “Let them make for me a sanctuary (i.e., mikdash: מִקְדָּשׁ) that I may dwell in their midst” (Exod. 25:8).  Each of us has an inner void, a place where only God belongs.  Substituting the values of this world – money, power, fame, entertainment, pleasure (or even just a sense of personal security) – never satisfies our deepest hunger and thirst for life. Indeed the Lord laments: “My people have committed a double wrong: they have rejected me, the fountain of life-giving water (מְקוֹר מַיִם חַיִּים), and they have dug cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water” (Jer. 2:13). God is found by the thirsty soul; he is revealed wherever the heart permits him to speak. As Yeshua said: “If you had known the gift of God, and the one speaking to you, you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water” (John 4:10). Ask Him today.