Cause me to hear your love…

Learn Psalm 143:8 in Hebrew:


King David asked for God’s direct and miraculous intervention to heal his soul: “Cause me to me hear your lovingkindness in the morning, for in You do I trust. Cause me to know the way I should go, for I lift up my soul to you” (Psalm 143:8). David’s request was that he would be enabled to hear God’s loving voice calling to his heart at the start the day, to be assured of God’s kindness and favor. Note that the Hebrew verbs used in this verse are both hiphal imperatives, implying that God is the agent or cause of the action. We lift up our heart in expectation, understanding that the LORD alone is the One who is able to draw us near to Him: “You [God] cause me to hear… You [God] cause me to know…” – John