Blessing for Darkness…

“If I say, surely darkness covers me … the night shines as the day; nothing hides from your radiance” (Psalm 139:11-12). We have to trust that God is in our darkness, in the silence, in the unknown… You come out of the shadows when you admit that you act just like other people, that you are human, in need of reconciliation yourself… Above all you need God. You need help. You need a miracle to help you to truly love. You may find excuses for many things, but you cannot escape the “wretched man that I am” reality that is grounded in your fears. God sees in the darkness and is present there, too. When you feel alone, like an unbridgeable gulf lay between you and all that is good; when you feel like you want to scream but are afraid that even then no one would hear, may the LORD shine His light upon you…


Hebrew Lesson:



“For it is you who light my lamp; the LORD my God outshines my darkness” (Psalm 18:28). There is “depression,” and there is the dark night of the soul, and these are different matters, though they may overlap… “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” The dark night of the soul is an experience of trusting God in the darkness yet has a spiritual direction and end.  From strength to strength, chaverim. We walk through this darkness with God and learn from him even there….