Soul Searching for Passover…

The search for chametz (חפש חמץ) before Passover may be likened to the soul searching we do before the High Holidays in the fall, when we take an inventory of our spiritual condition (חשבון נפש) and do teshuvah. The Torah instructs us to carefully search and remove sources of inner impurity so that we might experience the truth that we are a “new lump” – that is, a new substance that is purged from the sour and rotting influences of our past lives… And since Yeshua has been sacrificed as your Passover Lamb, you are indeed a new creation (בּריה חדשׁה) made “unleavened” (pure) by the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 5:17). Therefore you are likewise commanded put away the “old nature” (יצר הרע) and purge from your life the old influences that inwardly canker you and make you sick (Eph. 4:22; Col. 3:9). Walk without hypocrisy in the truth of the love of God for your soul.

Hebrew Lesson:
Psalm 139:23-24