Confession’s Conviction…

“Faith is the foundation (i.e., ὑπόστασις: the “substance,” reality, underlying essence, etc.) of our hope, the conviction of the unseen… Without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would draw near must believe that God exists and rewards (μισθαποδότης) those who seek him” (Heb. 11:1,6). Note that God is pleased when we seek his presence, that is, when we when we look past the ephemera and ambiguity of the phenomenal world for the truth about spiritual reality (2 Cor. 4:18). For our part, faith resolves to confession (ὁμολογέω), that is, aligning our perspective and focus to agree with the revelation and message of divine truth and verbally declaring our conviction. We must say that we believe and affirm it with all our heart (Rom. 10:9). As it says, “I will make Your faithfulness known with my mouth” (Psalm 89:2). When you encounter tribulation, or experience some crisis of faith, boldly reaffirm your hope: “I believe in God’s promise…” Physically expressing your faith is itself an act of faith, and this encourages your soul to trust in God’s healing reward even in the present struggle or darkness…