Grappling with Faith

Our Torah reading for this week is called “Eikev” (עֵקֶב), a word often translated “because,” though it literally means “heel,” and therefore recalls Jacob (יעקב) the “heel-holder” who wrestled with the pain of his past to learn to bear the name Israel (יִשְׂרָאֵל), the “prince of God” (Gen. 32:28)… Like Jacob, we must grapple to believe that the covenant of God’s love and acceptance is meant for us, too… The Sassover rebbe reads the opening verse of our Torah portion, “And it shall be because you listen…” (וְהָיָה עֵקֶב תִּשְׁמְעוּן) as, “and it shall be when your heel is ready to take a step, you will listen to your heart.” This is the step of faith. As you walk with God, you will come to know yourself as a child of the great King. Regarding the related verse, “Because Abraham heard my voice” (עֵקֶב אֲשֶׁר־שָׁמַע אַבְרָהָם בְּקלִי), the sages read, “Abraham heard the word ‘down to his heel.’” Like Abraham, we will hear God’s voice as we walk with him by faith (John 13:7).