Man of our Sorrows…

The Lord had compassion for his people as they were suffering in Egypt. The LORD told Moses, “I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry… I know their sorrows” (Exod. 3:7). The grammar here is intense: “seeing I have seen” (רָאה רָאִיתִי). Understand, then, that God surely sees your struggles, friend. Second, know that God heeds the outcry (צְעָקָה) of your heart, and indeed, he interprets your groaning as if it were for the sake of serving him. Your heart’s cry is transformed by grace to be the cry for God himself, for relationship with Him: “The cry of the people has come to me,” he again told Moses (Exod 3:9), which means all the sufferings, the wrongs, the hopes, the fears, the groans, the despair, the prayers, were present before him, as if he counted every word and sigh. Third, realize that God knows your sorrows; he gathers all your tears into his bottle (Psalm 56:8). The word translated “sorrows” (מַכְאב) is the same used to describe the “Man of sorrows” (אישׁ מַכְאבוֹת), Yeshua our Suffering Servant, who gave up his life to deliver you from darkness, sorrow, and fear (Isa. 53:3-5).

If there is anywhere on earth a lover of God who is always kept safe from falling, I know nothing of it, for it was not shown to me. But this was shown – that in falling and rising again we are always kept in that same precious love. Between God and the soul there is ultimately no between.” – Julian of Norwich

Hebrew Lesson
Exodus 3:7 Hebrew reading: