Through the Wound…

“Find God or die” is a slogan for those who are desperate for deliverance. Many of us have felt abandoned at some time, perhaps because of a tragic event that happened when we were vulnerable or unable to defend ourselves. The painful message implied in any kind of abandonment is, “You are not important; you are not of value.” Because of this, we may endlessly search for approval from others, even supposing that God’s very love is conditional… We may be tempted to engage in “magical thinking” that God can be bribed with ritual acts or flattery. Part of the healing process is to discover that God comes “through the wound.” Despite the pain of our past, we come to trust that all of our life is redeemed, not only that which we can accept, but also that which we can do nothing but agonize and protest. God’s grace goes there, too. Yeshua said, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you… Because I live, you shall live also” (John 14:18-19). Amen, the promise of God says: “You shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord” (Psalm 118:17). God will wipe away your tears, friend…