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Hebrew for Christians
Purim - The Blindness of Malice

Adar 8, 5770

The Blindness of Malice

Further thoughts on Purim

In Jewish tradition, Adar is the month Moses was born and also the month when he died (Exodus Rabbah 1:24). According to the Talmud, when Haman threw the dice to determine the best month to exterminate the Jews, the lot (pur) fell on Adar, and Haman rejoiced greatly saying, "The lot has fallen on the month that Moses died!" Haman did not realize, however, that Adar was also the month Moses had also been born (Bavli, Megillah 13b). According to the sages, Haman made the mistake of looking at a two-sided coin and only seeing one side. His malice blinded him to other possibilities. He failed to comprehend that though Adar was a time when Moses met his end, it was also the time when God had brought Moses into the world to be Israel's deliverer. And just as Moses' birth was based on concealment (Moses was hidden from view because of the evil decree to kill the Jewish baby boys), so the deliverance of God would be performed hidden away until it was fully revealed to all.

The same sort of malice blinded Satan to the concealed mystery found in the cross of Yeshua.  At first glance, the crucifixion of the Messiah appeared to be a crushing blow to God's kingdom rule.  Satan appeared to have the upper hand. What Satan failed to understand, however, was that this very act of malice and hatred of Yeshua was the means by which salvation and deliverance would be offered to all.  God transformed the cross from a place of unspeakable evil into the inner sanctum, the Holy of Holies, where our peace with God was forever secured.... Satan could not see this since his malice blinded him; he saw death alone instead of looking deeper to see death as the means to resurrection life. Ironically enough, God ordained that the cross be the means that would draw all men to the risen Savior (John 3:14-16; 8:28; 12:32, etc.).

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