If you are new to the study of Biblical Hebrew, you should first work through the "mechanics" of the language: the alphabet, the vowel marks, and the syllables (Units 1 through 3). After mastering this foundational material, you will be ready to read and pronounce Hebrew words! (Unit 4)
After learning the mechanics of the language, you can then directly begin studying Hebrew grammar (dikduk) and begin exploring the rich spiritual vocabulary of Biblical Hebrew (Units 5-10). You will also be equipped to perform rudimentary word studies, to recite the most common Hebrew blessings and prayers, and to take delight in meditating on aspects of the Scripture that might have eluded you had you not begun to dig deeper into the language.
May the Lord God of Israel, the Father of the blessed Mashiach (Messiah) Jesus, bless you as you seek to "study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth" (2 Tim. 2:15).
