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Hebrew for Christians
Heraing Abba's Voice: Further thoughts on Yitro

Hearing Abba's Voice...

Further thoughts on Parashat Yitro

by John J. Parsons

This week's Torah portion (i.e., Yitro) describes the first part of the great revelation of the Torah at Sinai. During the holiday of Shavuot (i.e., "Pentecost") we recall both this awesome event as well as the inner fire imparted by the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) that writes the Torah in our hearts (see Acts 1:7-8; 2:1-4). In light of this it is good to hear again the heart of our Heavenly Father regarding the significance of divine truth:

"Dear child of mine, do not forget my Torah (תּוֹרָתִי), but let your heart keep my commandments (מִצְוֹתַי). Doing so will add to you length of days, (ארֶךְ יָמִים), long life, and peace (שָׁלוֹם). Do not abandon the heart of Your Father by losing sight of mercy and truth (חֶסֶד וֶאֱמֶת); no! Tie them around your neck; inscribe them upon the table of your heart (לוּחַ לִבֶּךָ), that is, make them part of your inner being and will. Doing so will reveal my grace (חֵן) and good understanding (שֵׂכֶל־טוֹב) before the eyes of God and others. Trust in your heavenly Father with all your heart (בְּטַח אֶל־יְהוָה בְּכָל־לִבֶּךָ) and don't seek to be in control, trying to figure everything out on your own (וְאֶל־בִּינָתְךָ אַל־תִּשָּׁעֵן). Listen for your Father's voice in everything you do; in all your ways know His heart (בְּכָל־דְּרָכֶיךָ דָעֵהוּ), and then your ways will be directed in the truth. Don't assume that you know it all; abandon your self-conceit: Revere your heavenly Father (יְרָא יְהוָה) and flee from what you know is self-destructive and evil! Doing so will impart healing (רִפְאוּת) to you: your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life! Honor your Heavenly Father with everything you own; give him your first and the best of what you have (מֵרֵאשִׁית כָּל־תְּבוּאָתֶךָ); then your barns will burst with plenty, and your wine vats will be overflowing" (Prov. 3:1-10).

Hebrew Lesson
Proverbs 3:5-6 Hebrew reading:

Proverbs 3:5-6 Hebrew lesson


Note that where is says katveim al-lu'ach leebe'kha (כָּתְבֵם עַל־לוּחַ לִבֶּךָ), "write them (i.e., the Torah and commandments) on the tablets of your heart" (Prov. 3:3, 7:2-3), allusion is made to the new covenant (בְּרִית חֲדָשָׁה) where the Holy Spirit would put the Torah within our inward parts and engrave its truth upon our hearts (see Jer. 31:33). 

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