Hebrew Pronomial Suffixes (Verbs)
Introduction In Units 6.7 and 6.8 you learned that pronomial suffixes can attach to the ends of both singular and plural nouns. In this unit, you will be introduced to the concept of how these suffixes can likewise attach to the ends of verbs.
Important Note: This information is presented here by way of introduction. You need to be aware that some of the verb forms you will study later will also have pronoun endings added to the verb's inflected form.
Hebrew Pronomial Endings on Verbs Morphologically, when a pronomial suffix occurs on a verb, it is generally attached to its inflected form. Semantically, the pronoun ending indicates a direct object of the verb's action.
For example, consider the Hebrew phrase written in Psalm 22:1b:

In this phrase, note that the proper noun El (God) uses the 1cs ending ("my God"). This should be clear at this point in your studies.
Notice, however, the verb 'azavtani. The Qal form of this verb is 'azav, meaning "to leave or forsake." It is inflected with the 2ms suffix to yield 'azavta, meaning "you have left or forsook." The 1cs pronoun ending is added to this inflected form, however, to yield 'azavtani, "you have forsaken me." (Note that the ending for 1cs includes a Nun before the characteristic Yod for the 1cs.)
Additional Examples

Notice in this phrase that the verb 'avad (to serve) is inflected as Qal 2ms and includes the 1cs ending to form va'avadtani, "you served me."

In this phrase, note that the verb samach (rejoice) is likewise inflected as Qal 2ms, and also includes the 1cs ending to form simachtani, "you have made me glad."
Section Exercises
- There are no exercises, since this material is meant to alert you to the fact that Hebrew verbs can also take pronomial endings.