Hebrew Prayer Essentials

The Hebrew Prayer Essentials Charts with Audio CD will solidify
your grasp of Hebrew prayer reading

Hebrew Prayer Essentials Charts

Two double-sided high gloss charts with training audio CD:

  • Beautiful multi-color design for emphasis and ease of use
  • Includes seven essential Hebrew prayers: Hear O Israel, Shabbat (Shalom Aleychem, May Peace Reign Upon You), Psalm 23, Healing Prayer, A prayer for Israel and its People, and "Ma Tovu", How Goodly are your tents -- all sung and narrated in Hebrew.
  • The famous Shabbat song "Shalom Aleychem" is sung by Sassi Keshet, one of Israel's most beloved singers.
  • The companion audio CD includes some narration practice in three different reading speeds: very slow, slow and normal.
  • An ideal tool for reinforcing your Hebrew language studies!

ONLY $24.95 (plus shipping and handling)

Hebrew Prayer Essentials Charts and CD (US orders)

Hebrew Prayer Essentials Charts and CD (non-US orders)

Related: Hebrew
Language Essentials



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